Research - paper Presentations & Publications

Dr. Ashish receiving "Best Tribal Research Project Award & Young Scientist Award” by Indian Counsel of Medical Research

Dr. Abhijit Bhardwaj, Secretary-MAHAN presenting paper in NAPCON
35 International & National Publication

35 International & National Presentations/Speeches
MAHAN Trust's extensive research and field trials results have been recognized at various National and International forums :
Paper Publication
1. Lancet (London, England). 2024:- Global disease burden of and risk factors for acute lower respiratory infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus in preterm infants and young children in 2019: a systematic review and meta-analysis of aggregated and individual participant data.
Authors:-Wang X, Li Y, Shi T, Bont LJ, Chu HY, Zar HJ, Satav AR, et al.
2. The Indian journal of medical research. 2023;158(3):217-54.:- Verbal autopsy to assess causes of mortality among the economically productive age group in the tribal region of Melghat, central India.
Authors:-Satav AR, Satav KA, Kelkar AS, Sahasrabhojaney VS, Dani VS, Raje DV, et al.
3. Arch Public Health. 2023;81(1):72:-Community-Minimal Invasive Tissue Sampling (cMITS) using a modifiedambulance for ascertaining the cause of death: A novel approach piloted in aremote inaccessible rural area in India.
Authors:-Satav A, Wairagkar N, Khirwadkar S, Dani V, Rasaily R, Agrawal U, et al.
4. BMJ Glob Health. 2022;7(7):-Effect of home-based childcare on childhood mortality in rural Maharashtra,India: a cluster randomised controlled trial. .
Satav AR, Satav KA, Bharadwaj A, Pendharkar J, Dani V, Ughade S, et al.
5. Maharashtra Archives of Food & Nutritional Science. 2022:26-34:-Mapping of Local
Therapeutic Foods (LTF) and Micronutrients (MN); their logistics in community-based management of Severe Malnutrition (SAM, SUW) as a benchmark in tribal Melghat,
Ashish Satav* VD, Jayashri Pendharkar, Dipty, Satav JaK.
6. Lancet. 2022 May 28;399(10340):2047-2064. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00478-0. Epub 2022 May 19. PMID: 35598608.:- Global, regional, and national disease burden estimates of acute lower respiratory infections due to respiratory syncytial virus in children younger than 5 years in 2019: a
systematic analysis.
Li Y, Wang X, Blau DM, Caballero MT, Feikin DR, Gill CJ, Madhi SA, OmerSB, Simões EAF, Campbell H, Satav A, Nair H.
7. Journal of global health. 2022;12:04094.:-
Mapping national information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure to the requirements of potential digital health interventions in low- and middle-income countries.
Hui CY, Abdulla A, Ahmed Z, Goel H, Monsur Habib GM, Teck Hock T, SatavA, et al.
8. Anaerobe. 2022:102517.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anaerobe.2022.102517:-Clostridioides difficile epidemiology in India.
Monaghan TM, Biswas R, Satav A, Ambalkar S, Kashyap RS.
9. Clinical Infectious Diseases.2021;73(Supplement_3):S238-S47.:-The Burden of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Children Under 2 Years of Age in a Rural Community in Maharashtra, India.
Satav A, Crow R, Potdar V, Dani V, Satav S, Chadha M, et al.
10. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2021;73(Supplement_3):S193-S202.:-Mortality From Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Children Under 2 Years of Age. A Prospective Community Cohort Study in Rural Maharashtra, India.
Simões EAF, Dani V, Potdar V, Crow R, Satav S, Chadha MS, Satav A., et al.
11. Clinical Infectious Diseases.2021;73(Supplement_3):S248-S54.:- Challenges of Assessing Community Mortality Due to Respiratory Viruses in Children Aged Less Than 5 Years.
Caballero MT, Satav A, Gill CJ, Omer SB, Pieciak RC, Kazi AM, et al.
12. Clinical Infectious Diseases.2021;73(Supplement_3):S229-S37.:-Global Respiratory Syncytial
Virus–Related Infant Community Deaths.
Mazur NI, Löwensteyn YN, Willemsen JE, Gill CJ, Forman L, MwananyandaLM, Dianna M Blau , Robert F Breiman , Shabir A Madhi , SanaMahtab , Emily S Gurley , Shams El Arifeen , Nega Assefa , J Anthony GScott , Dickens Onyango , Beth A Tippet Barr , Karen L Kotloff , Samba OSow , Inacio Mandomando , Ikechukwu Ogbuanu , Amara Jambai , QuiqueBassat , CHAMPS Network the RSV GOLD Study Group; Mauricio TCaballero , Fernando P Polack , Saad Omer , Abdul Momin Kazi , Eric A FSimões , Ashish Satav , Louis J Bont .
13. Microorganisms. 2021 Jul 12;9(7):1485.:- Multiomics Profiling Reveals Signatures of Dysmetabolism in Urban Populations in Central India.
Monaghan TM, Biswas RN, Nashine RR, Joshi SS, Mullish BH, Seekatz AM,Blanco JM, McDonald JAK, Marchesi JR, Yau TO, Christodoulou N,Hatziapostolou M, Pucic-Bakovic M, Vuckovic F, Klicek F, Lauc G, Xue N,Dottorini T, Ambalkar S, Satav A, Polytarchou C, Acharjee A, Kashyap RS.
14. Gut. 2021;70(Suppl 4):A158-A.:- PTH-90 Prevalence of Clostridioides difficile infection in Central India: a prospective observational cohort study.
Monaghan T, Biswas R, Satav A, Ambalkar S, Wilcox M, Kashyap RS
15. Gut Microbes. 2020 Nov 9;12(1):1752605.:-
Metagenomics reveals impact of geography and acute diarrheal disease on the Central Indian human gut microbiome.
Monaghan TM, Sloan TJ, Stockdale SR, Blanchard AM, Emes RD, Wilcox M,Biswas R, Nashine R, Manke S, Gandhi J, Jain P, Bhotmange S, Ambalkar S,Satav A, Draper LA, Hill C, Kashyap RS.
16. Emerg Infect Dis. 2019;25(12):2328-30.:-
Laboratory-Confirmed Avian Influenza A(H9N2) Virus Infection, India, 2019.
Potdar V, Hinge D, Satav A, Simões EAF, Yadav PD, Chadha MS.
17. The Lancet Infectious diseases. 2018;18(10):e295-e311.:- The respiratory syncytial virus vaccine landscape: lessons from the graveyard and promising candidates.
Natalie I Mazur , Deborah Higgins , Marta C Nunes , José AMelero , Annefleur C Langedijk , Nicole Horsley , Ursula J Buchholz , Peter JOpenshaw , Jason S McLellan , Janet A Englund , Asuncion Mejias , Ruth AKarron , Eric Af Simões , Ivana Knezevic , Octavio Ramilo , Pedro APiedra , Helen Y Chu , Ann R Falsey , Harish Nair , Leyla Kragten-Tabatabaie , Anne Greenough , Eugenio Baraldi , Nikolaos GPapadopoulos , Johan Vekemans , Fernando P Polack , Mair Powell , AshishSatav , Edward E Walsh , Renato T Stein , Barney S Graham , Louis J Bont .
18. Indian Journal of Applied Research.2018;8(1):63-6.:- Counselors Program.
Satav A.
19. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2015;5(4):497-501. https://www.worldwidejournals.com/indian-journal-of-applied-research(IJAR)/recent_issues_pdf/2015/April/April_2015_1427896145__152.pdf:- Community Based Management of Severe Malnutrition- SAM and SUW# in U5 Children of Tribal Area, Melghat, Central India.
Dani V S, Satav A, Pendharkar J, Sadanshiv A, Adhav A, Thakare B.
20. Clinical epidemiology and global health. June2017; 5 (2): 62–69.:-Community-based
management of severe malnutrition: SAM and SUW in the tribal area of Melghat, Maharashtra, India.
Dani V, Satav K, Pendharkar J, Satav A, Ughade S, et al.
21. Journal ofZoonotic Diseases, university of Tabriz. JZD, 2017 Vol 2 (2), Pages 2-16.:- Molecular diagnosis of Zoonotic Mycobacterium bovis infection in Melghat, India
Prachi R. Bapat, Ashish S. Satav , Rajpal S Kashyap1*
22. Field Exchange 52,Page number: 27:- https://www.ennonline.net/fex/52/communitybasedmanagementIndiaEmergencyNutrition Network. June 2016, Issue: Community-based management of severe malnutrition: SAM and SUW in children under five in the Melghat tribal area, central India
Dr Vibhavari Dani, Dr Ashish Satav, Mrs Jayashri Pendharkar, Dr KavitaSatav, et.al.
23. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics volume 23, pages247–257 .Published: 20 September 2016:- .All Synthetic Peptides are Better Than Native Antigens for Development of ELISA Assay for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Arti R. Mishra , Vinita R. Hutke, Ashish R. Satav, et.
24. Lung India. 2016 Jul-Aug;33(4):372-80. :- Impact of socioeconomic status and living condition on latent tuberculosis diagnosis among the tribal population ofMelghat: A cohort study.
Kashyap RS, Nayak AR, Husain AA, Shekhawat SD, Satav AR, Jain RK, Raje DV, Daginawala HF, Taori GM.
25. PLoS One. 2015 Aug 4;10(8):e0133928.:-Differential Levels of Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, Haptoglobin and Sero-Transferrin as Adjunct Markers for TBDiagnosis and Disease Progression in the Malnourished Tribal Population ofMelghat, India.
Bapat PR, Satav AR, Husain AA, Shekhawat SD, Kawle AP, Chu JJ, Purohit HJ, Daginawala HF, Taori GM, Kashyap RS.
26. J InfectPublic Health. 2015;8(4):329-40.:-The assessment of cytokines in Quantiferon supernatants for thediagnosis of latent TB infection in a tribal population of Melghat, India.
Bapat PR, Husain AA, Daginawala HF, Agrawal NP, Panchbhai MS, Satav AR, et al.
27. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences. 2015;3(3).:- Effect of home based child care & nutrition improvement program on child mortality and malnutrition in a tribal belt: Result of field randomized control trial.
Satav A.
28. IndianJournal Of Applied Research. May 2015; 5 (5) : 19-27.:-The Great Escape From India’sMalnutrition Enigma Among High Risk Tribal of Melghat (India)
Balu Mote, Geeta Deshmukh, Ashish Satav,
29. South Asia Conference on Policiesand Practices to Improve Nutrition Security – 2014, abstract book.:- “Home based child care for prevention and management of severe malnutrition”
Dr. Ashish Satav et. all,
30. PloS one.2013;8(9):e74652.:-Laboratory investigations on the diagnosis of tuberculosis in the malnourished tribal population of melghat, India.
Rajpal S Kashyap 1, Amit R Nayak, Hari M Gaherwar, Shraddha SBhullar, Aliabbas A Husain, Seema D Shekhawat, Ruchika K Jain, Sonali SGaikwad, Ashish R Satav,
31. Pediatric Research. 2011;70(5):828-828. (Abstract)www.nature.com/pr/journal/v70/n5s/full/pr20111053a.html 1/2:-
Counsellor Program for Saving Severely Malnourished Children by Improvement of Government Hospitals of Melghat : Result of a Field Trial.
Satav A, Sane BL, Bhapkar P, Shankarnarayan M, Parhi R, Bobde K, et al.
32. Pediatric Research. 2010;68(1):200-.(Abstract) doi:10.1 2 03 /00006450-2 01 01 1 001 -003 89:- 389 Home Based Child Care for Reducing Child Malnutrition in Melghat.
Satav K, Satav A.
33. Acta Paediatrica:- “Effect of Home-Based Child Care and Nutrition Improvement on
child mortality in a tribal population: Results of field trial”.
A. Satav.
34. Policy in International Health –abstract book. 2009. Page 26.(Abstract):- “Effect of Home Based Child Care (HBCC) on child mortality in a tribal population: Results of field trial”. From Research to Improved Practice &
A. R. Satav.
35. Postgraduate medical journal.1998;74(868):119-21.:- Skeletal abnormalities, hypocalcaemia and intracranial calcification.
Khot R, Paithankar M, Salkar HR, Gupta VL, Satav A.
Paper Presentation / Speaker
1. HBGDki Conference by Gates foundation, Welcome Trust, USAID, Govt. Of Canada and UK, at London.:- "Reducing child deaths and malnutrition" Dr. Ashish Satav as key note speaker
2. Nutrition-2015, 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition. Chicago, USA, October 26-28, 2015.:- “Effect of Home Based Child Care, Nutrition Improvement Program on Child Mortality & Malnutrition in a tribal belt. Result of Field Randomized Control trial.” .
3. Nutrition-2015, 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition. Chicago, USA, October 26-28, 2015: -“Community based management of severe malnutrition (SM) (wasting, under weight) in U5 children of tribal area, Melghat, Central India ” by Dr Dani Vibhawari, Dr Ashish Satav, et. all.
4. European Society of Pediatric Research at Hamburg Germany :- .Child health by Dr Ashish Satav
5. Conference by NVTG and Uniting Streams, Utrecht, Netherland, The Netherlands.:- “From Research to Improved Practice, Policy in International Health”
6. Tribal health symposium by Indian Counsel of MedicalResearch.:-HBCC research paper
7. 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Pediatric Societies, EAPS 2010, Denmark:- Home based child care for reducing child malnutrition in Melghat
8. 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Pediatric Societies, EAPS 2010, Denmark.:- Effect of Home based child care on child mortality in tribal population: Result of field trial
9. Infectious diseases of children at Hague, The Netherland organized by European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases-2011.:- Effect of Home Based Child Care on Diarrheal deaths in a Tribal population -Result of Field Trial
10. International conference, Accra , Ghana :- Feasibility study of RSV (November, 2019) by Dr. Ashish Satav
11. “European Society of Pediatric Research (ESPR) 2011: 52nd Annual Meeting” in Newcastle, UK -2011.
12. Royal Society of Pediatric Health, London, UK-2011.Health and Wellbeing-the 21st Century Agenda: -Effect of Home Based Childcare on child mortality; malnutrition in a tribal population: result of a field trial,
13. International conference in Malaga Spain.:- RSV pneumonia by Dr. Satav
14. International meeting, in medical college and university of Nottingham, UK.: - Reducing deaths and malnutrition in Melghat by Dr Ashish Satav
15. RSV conference Asheville, USA :- by Dr. Ashish Satav
16. Indian Counsel of Medical Research and CGHR, Canada: -"Malaria and Adult Febrile Illness Mortality working Group" Dr. Ashish Satav as speaker
17. International meeting with GCRF team, UK and Indian scientists.: -Dr. Ashish Satav as speaker
18. Tribal health by Medical School of UK.
19. “ESPR 2011 52nd Annual Meeting”, in Newcastle, UK.:- Counsellor Program For Saving Severely Malnourished Children By Improvement Of Government Hospitals Of Melghat: Result Of A Field Trial.
20. Connecting NGOs and Academia in Research for Global Health, Amsterdam, The Netherlands:- Counsellor program for saving severely malnourished children by improvement of government hospitals of Melghat: Result of a field trial.
21. International meeting by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA on July 2020.:- “RSV feasibility study” by Dr Ashish Satav
22. International meeting by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation USA,on 17th September, 2020.:- “Minimal Invasive Tissue Sampling : community study in ambulance” by Dr Ashish Satav
23. International Medical Conference : Indo-Global Summit, Expo on Healthcare.:- "Home Based Child Care Program"
24. International Medical Conference : Indo-Global Summit Expo on Healthcare.:- Community Based Management of Severe Malnutrition :
25. International meeting by Covid Rx Exchange. 27.2.2022:- “A case study of our experience of challenges and managing Covid in Tribal/Rural area” by Dr. Ashish Satav.
26. Singapore conference.:- Malnutrition research Paper
27. International Respire meeting Edinburg, UK:- Presentation of research concept by Dr. Satav
28. International Respire Infectious Disease Program at Edinburgh UK, by Dr. Satav
29. RSV CONFERENCE, Belfast UK :- "RSV and malnutrition", Research paper of MAHAN was accepted
30.International CUGH conference in USA.:- "Integrated approach to reduce child deaths and malnutrition in Melghat", was accepted
31. International medical conference in Loni Medical college.: As a Speaker
32. ‘International Conference by ICMR on Kaleidoscopic Insights into Reproductive and Child Health’ in Mumbai.:- Dr. Ashish Satav as guest speaker
33. ReSViNET Foundation organized Global Conference at Lisbon Portugal, on Novel RSV Preventive and Therapeutic Interventions”. Research paper of RSV and malnutrition" was accepted for presentation.
34. Respire NIHR Global Health Research Academy Member Event, UK:- By Dr. Satav
35. International conference on RSV in Mumbai February 2024.:- Research paper presentation by Dr. Satav