Impact :
Few Villages & many people became de-addicted.
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The tribal serve Bidi (local Cigarette) as due respect to the idol

Alcohol addiction is prevalent in many families and even in ladies

The tribal serve Bidi (local Cigarette) as due respect to the idol
Umang - Deaddiction Program
Problem background :
In the tribal set up of Melghat, 82% male and 49% female were addicted to tobacco and alcohol. This has resulted in increase in premature deaths in the age group of 16 to 60 years.
MAHAN Intervention :
MAHAN's goal is to reduce the addiction among the tribals, esp, in the age group of 16-60 years across 17 villages of Melghat, by 35% over the period of 5 years, Another important objective is to reduce the addiction related diseases and deaths.
Some of UMANG's programs are :
Yuvadoot - Local Youth from the villages who are trained to counsel and motivate the community about addiction related issues. They organise yoga and meditation classes for the tribal, organise gram panchayat, organise sports, and conduct de-addiction camps
Village Based Out Patient Departments are set up by Yuvadoots who are trained to treat alcohol and tobacco related addicts.
Arogya Nirman Shibir (ANS) is conducted to demonstrate importance of adequate and nutritious food, preparation of food by using locally available varieties, importance of Cleanliness and personal hygiene
Anubhav Gatha- Experience Sharing platforms) are created in every village encouraging participation from maximum members
BAL SANSKAR MOTI is aimed at establishing a committee of the teachers, students and their parents to be able to monitor qualitative improvement in education for children, to increase school attendance and motivating sports in schools.