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Policy Changes
Tribal People benifited across Maharashra due to MAHAN efforts in influencing, modifying & making new policies by state govt
>5 Lakh
Hospital & Critical Care Unit
Patients benifited in hospital
Critical patient treated & saved (Heart Attack, Brain Haemorrhage, Cerebral Malaria , Meningitis, Tetanus, Snake & Bear Bite etc)
Number of Plastic surgeries performed (free of cost, worth crores of rupees)
Patients treated in specialty camps like paediatric, gynaecology, dental, ENT, etc.
Cases of Rheumatic valvular heart diseases detected in camp & operated free of cost at Mumbai with the help of G-66 Heart Foundation, Achhut
Maharaj Heart Foundation, Amravati,
Other general surgical cases detected in camps, have been operated in various hospitals,
Home based Child Care (HBCC)
Reduction in Under 5 Mortality Rate per thousand live births (>80000 childred treated)
Reduction in Sever Malnutrition prevalence %
Reduced by >68%
Reduced by 68%
Locally produced Therapeutic Food prepared & served to severely malnurished children
>2363 Children; case fatality rate of <0.3% in treated cases. achieved WHO target of <4%
Mortality Control program for Economically Productive Age Group (16-60)
Reduction in Death rate per lac population (>40000 adults treated)
Reduction in Maternal Mortality rate
Reduction in prevalance of hypertension
Blindness Control Program
Vision Provided, especially tribal children and women
Eye Surgeries (most of them free of cost Cataract Operations)
Spectacles given to students (most of them free of cost) & people
Students & villegers screened
Counsellor Program
Improvement in services in numbers of Govt. Hospitals
People benifitted
Improvement in Hospitalisation of severely malnourished children increased by
Statistically significant improvement in hospitalised severely malnourised children
Increase in deliveries in hospital
12 times
P' value<0.001
Kitchan Farms & Garden
Kitchen Gardens developed for sustainable nutrition
Nutrition Farms developed for sustainable nutrition
De-addiction Program
Number of villages becoming free from social drinking of alcohol
Number of people who are de-addicted
People excercising Yoga
Villagers of ‘Ghota’ village are celebrating Holi Festival without alcohol since last 7 years.
Improved transportation for livelyhood & education of tribal by Cycle distribution
Tribal female Empowermered & made Self sustenable
Clothe Distribution
Anganwadi Children Health Check Up
Mobilised government to conduct 'Mutation of land' on massive scale
Facilitated & Ensured implementation of various govt. schemes - Employment guarantee scheme , Water supply schemes, repairing of road, State Transport facilities
Approx. 3000 people
Road Traffic Accident
Saved lives of critically injured people by rescuing from various accident sites
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